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April7 Webinar

Training on Managing & Reporting SLFRF


Under the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) program, authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the first of two large formula-based payments of federal financial assistance was made to state governments and to general-purpose local governments (cities, towns, and counties) last year.  A second payment is due to be made later this spring. The U.S. Treasury Department, which is the federal administering agency for the funding has issued regulations and guidance for how the funds are to be managed and how financial and performance reports about their use are to be prepared. It differentiates among recipients based upon their populations and the size of their grant payment. In those policies, cities and towns with fewer than 50,000 residents are referred to as “non-entitlement units” or “NEU’s.” The Treasury Department has set the first reporting deadline for NEU’s for April 30, 2022. So it’s important right now to understand the key compliance requirements and how your city or town should respond through timely reporting. The Montana League has scheduled this webinar to help you do that. Here’s what will be covered:
  • Payment and cash management
  • Expenditure
    • Deadlines
    • Eligible activities
    • Allowable costs
    • Applicable procedures for purchasing and sub-granting
  • Documentation (Creating and retaining records)
  • Reporting
  • Audit requirements
  • Close-out and continuing accountability


BOB LLOYD is a respected consultant with expertise in policies and practices affecting the award, administration, and audit of federal grants, contracts, and sub-awards. He has over 40 years of experience in federal award implementation. Since starting his consulting practice, he has served under contract to 17 different federal awarding agencies and to recipients, sub-recipients, and their professional advisors located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, several U.S. territories, and 18 foreign countries. To get information on how to attend the webinar, please contact Sandy Lang at 460-495-7013.